1/ |
“Void Growth and Local Necking of
Biaxially Stretched Sheets, ”
(with A. Needleman),
Journal Eng. Matls. & Technology, 100, 1978, pp.
164-169. |
2/ |
of Third Order Elastic Constants on the Buckling of Thin Plates,
(with X. Markenskoff),
Intl. Journal Solids & Structures, 15, 1979, pp.
987-992. |
3/ |
Phenomena in Pure Bending, ”
Journal Mech. Physics Solids, 28, 1980, pp. 221-245. |
4/ |
Analysis of Wrinkling in the Swift Cup Test, ”
(with A. Needleman),
Journal Eng. Matls. & Technology, 102, 1980, pp.
241-248. |
5/ |
the Emergence of Shear Bands in Plane Strain, ”
(with R. Abeyaratne),
Intl. Journal Solids & Structures, 17, 1981,
pp.1113-1134. |
6/ |
the Development of Shear Bands in Pure Bending, ”
(with A. Needleman & V. Tvergaard),
Intl. Journal Solids & Structures, 18, 1982, pp.
121-138. |
7/ |
the Large Deformations of Elastic Materials with Non Elliptic
Strain Energy Density Functions, ”
(with N. Kikuchi),
Quarterly Appl. Math, 40, 1982, pp. 241-248. |
8/ |
of a Finitely Deformed Fiber Reinforced Elastic Material, ”
(with R. Abeyaratne),
Journal Appl. Mech., 50, 1983, pp. 149-156. |
9/ |
the Bifurcation and Postbifurcation Analysis of Elastic-Plastic
Solids Under General Prebifurcation Conditions, ”
Journal Mech. Physics Solids, 31, 1983, pp. 499-510. |
10/ |
Investigation of Localization in a Porous Elastic Material Using
Homogenization Theory, ”
(with R. Abeyaratne),
Journal Appl. Mech., 51, 1984, pp. 481-486. |
11/ |
Instabilities in Finitely Strained Solids Under Static Loading,
Intl. Journal Eng. Sci., 22, 1984, pp. 1187-1192. |
12/ |
Instability Phenomena in the Hemispherical Cup Test, ”
Journal Mech. Physics Solids, 33, 1985, pp. 117-139. |
13/ |
of Debonding on the Stability of Fiber Reinforced Composites, ”
(with J. Barber),
Journal Appl. Mech., 52, 1985, pp. 235-237. |
14/ |
the Comparison Between Microscopic and Macroscopic Instability
Mechanisms in a Class of Fiber Reinforced Composites, ”
(with B. Maker),
Journal Appl. Mech., 52, 1985, pp. 794-800. |
15/ |
Effects on Flow Localization in Metallic Sheets, ”
(with S. Samanta),
Proc. Roy. Soc. London, A 406, 1986, pp. 205-226. |
16/ |
Approach to Localization of Deformation. I – Hyperelastic
Materials, ”
(with E. Aifantis),
Journal of Elasticity, 16, 1986, pp. 225-237. |
17/ |
Investigation of Draw Beads in Sheet Metal Forming. I –
Theoretical Formulation, ”
(with B. Maker & S. Samanta),
Journal Eng. Matls. & Technology, 108, 1986, pp.
321-327. |
18/ |
Investigation of Draw Beads in Sheet Metal Forming. II –
Experimental Results, ”
(with B. Maker, J. Grabb & S. Samanta),
Journal Eng. Matls. & Technology, 109, 1987, pp.
164-170. |
19/ |
Effects on the Stability of Thin Walled Structures, ”
(with Y. J. Kwon),
Journal Mech. Physics Solids, 35, 1987, pp. 643-674. |
20/ |
Bifurcation and Postbifurcation for Generalized Standard
Continua, ”
(with S. Q. Nguyen),
Journal Mech. Physics Solids, 37, 1989, pp. 545-566. |
21/ |
Experimental Verification of the Hemispherical Cup Puckering
Test, ”
(with M. Donoghue, Y. J. Kwon & R. Stevenson),
Journal Eng. Matls. & Technology, 111, 1989, pp.
248-254. |
22/ |
Effects in the Optimal Design of a Microstructured Medium
Against Buckling, ”
(with M. P. Bends\'f8e),
Intl. Journal Solids & Structures, 26, 1990, pp.
725-741. |
23/ |
Remarquessur l’ Homogeneisation des Materiaux Elastiques
Nonlineaires, ”
(with G. Geymonat & S. Muller),
Comptes Rendus de l' Academie des Sciences de Paris, Ser. I, 311,1990,
pp. 911-916. |
24/ |
Instability of Density-Stratified Two-Layer Systems Under
Initial Stress, ”
(with F. Lehner),
Journal Mech. Physics Solids, 41, 1993, pp. 117-142. |
25/ |
Stability and the Worst Imperfection Shape in Solids with Nearly
Simultaneous Eigenmodes,”
(with R. Peek),
Intl. Journal Solids & Structures, 29, 1992,
pp.2281-2299. |
26/ |
Shape of Imperfection for Space Trusses with Many Simultaneous
Buckling Modes, ”
(with R. Peek),
Intl. Journal Solids & Structures, 29, 1992,
pp.2385-2402. |
27/ |
for Nonlinear Elastic Materials, Microbuckling and Loss of
Ellipticity, ”
(with G. Geymonat & S. Muller),
Archive. Rat. Mechanics and Analysis, 122, 1993, pp.
231-290. |
28/ |
Higher Order Gradient Continuum Theories in Nonlinear Elasticity
Derivation from and Comparison to the Corresponding Discrete
Models, ”
(with S. Bardenhagen),
Journal of Elasticity, 33, 1993, pp. 259-293. |
29/ |
of Microscopic and Macroscopic Instabilities in a Class of Two
Dimensional Periodic Composites, ”
(with W. Schnaidt),
Journal Mech. Physics Solids, 41, 1993, pp. 1533-1565. |
30/ |
of a Finite-Thickness Frictional Material Layer Resting on a
Viscous Half-Space, ”
(with Y. Leroy),
Journal Mech. Physics Solids, 42, 1994, pp. 51-110. |
31/ |
“Derivation of Higher Order Gradient Continuum Theories in 2,
3-D Non-Linear Elasticity for Periodic Lattice Models, ”
(with S. Bardenhagen),
Journal Mech. Physics Solids, 42, 1994, pp. 111-139. |
32/ |
“Post-Bifurcation and Imperfection Sensitivity of Space Trusses
With Many Simultaneous Buckling Bars and a Strongly Nonlinear
Prebuckling Solution, ”
(with R. Peek),
Eur. Jour. Mech. A/Solids, 14, 1995, pp. 721-745. |
33/ |
Influence of Scale Size on the Stability of Periodic Solids and
the Role of Associated Higher Order Gradient Continuum Models, ”
(with S. Bardenhagen),
Journal Mech. Physics Solids, 44, 1996, pp. 1891-1928. |
34/ |
of a Frictional Cohesive Layer on a Viscous Substratum:
Variational Formulation and Asymptotic Solution, ”
(with Y. Leroy),
Journal of Geophysical Research, B8, 101, 1996,
pp.17795-17811. |
35/ |
of a Frictional Cohesive Layer on a Viscous Substratum: Validity
of Asymptotic Solution and Influence of Material Properties, ”
(with Y. Leroy),
Journal of Geophysical Research, B9, 102, 1997,
pp.20551-20570. |
36/ |
of Density-Stratified Two-Layers System, ”
(with P. Massin & Y. Leroy),
Comptes Rendus de l' Academie des Sciences de Paris, Ser. IIa, 322,1996,
pp. 407-413. |
37/ |
Sufficient Condition for the Linear Instability of Strain-Rate
Dependent Solids, ”
(with P. Massin & Y. Leroy),
Comptes Rendus de l' Academie des Sciences de Paris, Ser. IIb, 324,1997,
pp. 151-157. |
38/ |
of Scale Size on Media with Periodic and Nearly Periodic
Microstructures. – I Macroscopic Properties, ”
(with M. Schraad),
Journal Appl. Mech., 64, 1997, pp. 751-762. |
39/ |
“Effects of Scale Sizeon Media with
Periodic and Nearly Periodic Microstructures. – II Failure
Mechanisms, ”
(with M. Schraad), Journal Appl. Mech., 64, 1997,pp.
762-771. |
40/ |
of Failure in Aluminum Honeycombs Under Arbitrary In-Plane
Loading, ”
(with M. Schraad),
Journal Mech. Physics Solids, 46, 1998, pp. 1089-1124. |
41/ |
Analysis of Stability for Prismatic Solids Under Axial Loads, ”
(with W. Scherzinger),
Journal Mech. Physics Solids, 46, 1998, pp. 955-1007. |
42/ |
Bifurcation in Anisotropic Materials with Application to
Aluminum Alloys, ”
(with M. Nestorovic & E. Chu),
Journal Appl. Mech., 66, 1999, pp. 62-68. |
43/ |
“On the Stability of Strain-Rate
Dependent Solids. – I Structural Examples, ”
(with P. Massin & Y. Leroy),
Journal Mech. Physics Solids, 47, 1999, pp. 1737-1779. |
44/ |
the Stability of Rate-Dependent Solids with Application to the
Uniaxial Plane Strain Test, ”
(with M. Nestorovic & Y. Leroy),
Journal Mech. Physics Solids, 48, 2000, pp. 1476-1491. |
45/ |
Stability Analysis for Sheet Metal Forming. – I Theory, ”
(with W. Scherzinger),
Journal Appl. Mech., 67, 2000, pp. 685-690. |
46/ |
Stability Analysis for Sheet Metal Forming. – II Application,
(with W. Scherzinger & E. Chu),
Journal Appl. Mech., 67, 2000, pp. 691-696. |
47/ |
of Pressure-Dependent, Thermally-Induced Martensitic
Transformations in Bi-Atomic Crystals, ”
(with R. Elliott & J. Shaw),
Intl. Journal Solids & Structures, 39, 2002,
pp.3845-3856. |
48/ |
and Stability of an Elastic Plate over an Inviscid and Buoyant
Fluid, ”
(with Y. Leroy & M. Guiton),
Intl. Journal Solids & Structures, 39, 2002,
pp.3873-3891. |
49/ |
of Thermally-Induced Martensitic Transformations in Bi-Atomic
Lattices, ”
(with R. Elliott & J. Shaw),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 50, 2002, pp. 2463-2493. |
50/ |
of Failure in Finitely Strained Layered Composites Subjected to
Combined Normal and Shear Loading, ”
(with M. Nestorovic),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids52, 2004, pp. 941-974. |
51/ |
of Necking in Electro-magnetically Formed Rings, ”
(with J. Waldenmyer),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids52, 2004, pp. 2127-2148. |
52/ |
Finitely Strained Magneto-Rheological Elastomers, ”
(with S. Kankanala),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids52, 2004, pp. 2869-2908. |
53/ |
the Stability of Kelvin Cell Foams Under Compressive Loads, ”
(with L. Gong & S. Kyriakides),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids53, 2005, pp. 771-794. |
54/ |
Surfaces for Finitely Strained Two-Phase Periodic Solids Under
Arbitrary Plane Strains, ”
(with M. Nestorovic & M. Schraad),
Journal Appl. Mech., 73, 2006, pp. 505-515. |
55/ |
of Crystalline Solids – I Continuum and Atomic Lattice
Considerations, ”
(with R. Elliott & J. Shaw),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids54, 2006, pp. 161-192. |
56/ |
of Crystalline Solids – II Application to Temperature-Induced
Martensitic Phase Transformations in a Bi-Atomic Crystal, ”
(with R. Elliott & J. Shaw),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids54, 2006, pp. 193-232. |
57/ |
Limits for Electromagnetically Expanded Aluminum Alloy Tubes:
Theory and Experiment, ”
(with J. D. Thomas, M. Seth, J. Bradley & G. Daehn),
Acta Materialia, 55, 2007, pp. 2863-2873. |
58/ |
Equilibria in the Plane Strain Test for a Hyperelastic
Rectangular Block, ”
(with W. H. Scherzinger & H.-J. Huang),
Intl. Journal Solids & Structures, 44, 2007,
pp.3700-3719. |
59/ |
and Macroscopic Instabilities in Finitely Strained Porous
Elastomers, ”
(with J. C. Michel, O. Lopez-Pamies & P. Ponte Castaneda)
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 55, 2007, pp. 900-938. |
60/ |
of Necking Localization in Unconstrained Electromagnetic
Expansion of Thin Sheets,”
(with J. D. Thomas),
Intl. Journal Solids & Structures, 44, 2007,
pp.6744-6767. |
61/ |
Instability of an Elastic Half Space with Material Properties
Varying with Depth, ”
(with D. Lee, J. Barber & M. Thouless),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 56, 2008, pp. 858-868. |
62/ |
Buckling of a Rectangular Block in Plane Strain, ”
(with S. Kankanala),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 56, 2008, pp. 1147-1169. |
63/ |
and Stability of a Shape Memory Alloy Hexagonal Honeycomb under
In-plane Compression, ”
(with P. Michailidis, J. A. Shaw & D. S. Grummon)
Intl. Journal Solids & Structures, 46, 2009,pp.
2724-2738. |
64/ |
Electromagnetic Forming Processes in Finitely Strained Solids:
Theory and Examples, ”
(with J. D. Thomas),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 57, 2009, pp. 1391-1416. |
65/ |
of Fully Coupled Modeling and Experiments for Electromagnetic
Forming Processes in Finitely Strained Solids, ”
(with J. D. Thomas, A. Vivek, G. S. Daehn & J. R. Bradley),
Int. Journal of Fracture, 163, 2010, pp. 67-83. |
66/ |
and Macroscopic Instabilities in Finitely Strained
Fiber-Reinforced Elastomers, ”
(with J.C. Michel, O. Lopez-Pamies & P. Ponte-Castaneda),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 58, 2010, pp. 1776–1803. |
67/ |
Stress-Induced Martensitic Phase Transformations in a Bi-Atomic
(with R. Elliott & J. Shaw),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 59, 2011, pp. 216–236. |
68/ |
and Modeling of Iron-Particle-Filled Magnetorheological
(with K. Danas and S. Kankanala),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 60, 2012, pp. 120–138. |
69/ |
of Failure in a Fiber Reinforced Elastomer Under Constrained
(with E. Lignon and P. Le Tallec),
Intl. Journal Solids & Structures, 50, 2013, pp.
279–287. |
70/ |
in Axially Compressed Honeycomb under General Loading”
(with F. Lopez-Jimenez),
Intl. Journal Solids & Structures, 50, 2013, pp.
3934–3946 |
71/ |
Stability of Externally Pressurized Elastic Rings Subjected to
High Rates of Loading”
(with T. Putelat)
Intl. Journal Solids & Structures, 51, 2014, pp.
1–12 |
72/ |
of Interfacial Adhesion on the Mechanical Response of
Magneto-rheological Elastomers at High Strain”
(with T. Possinger, L. Bodelot and C. Bolzmacher),
Microsystem Technologies, 20, 2014, pp. 803–814 |
73/ |
of a Magneto-elastic Layer Resting on a Non-magnetic Substrate
and Subjected to Magneto-mechanical loading”
(with K. Danas),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 69, 2014, pp. 67–83. |
74/ |
Stability of a Bar Under High Loading Rate – Response to Local
(with K. Ravi-Chandran),
Intl. Journal Solids & Structures, 58, 2015, pp.
301–308 |
75/ |
of Thin Film Semiconductors with Application to Thin Film
Silicon Solar Cells”
(with D. Lange, P. Roca i Cabarrocas and D. Daineka),
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 145,2016, pp.
93–103. |
76/ |
Stability of Biaxially Strained Thin Sheets Under High
Strain-rates: Response to Local Perturbations”
(with G. Wen),
Intl. Journal of Fracture, 200, 2016, pp. 99–113 |
77/ |
Instability for the Twisted Nematic Device: A Three-dimensional
(with G. Sfyris, K. Danas and G. Wen),
Phys. Rev. E, 94, 2016, pp. 012704-1–012704-12 |
78/ |
of Deformation and Loss of Microscopic Ellipticity in
Microstructured Solids”
(with M.-P. Santisi d’Avila and G. Wen),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 97, 2016, pp. 275-298 |
79/ |
p/n Junction Under Nonuniform Strains: General Theory and
Application to Photovoltaics”
(with L. Guin and M. E. Jabbour),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 110, 2018, pp. 54-79 |
80/ |
Electromechanical Theory for Nematic Continua with Application
to Freedericksz Instability”
(with G. Pampolini),
J. Elasticity, 132, 2018, pp. 219-242
81/ |
Analysis of Twisted Liquid Crystal Bilayers”
(with K. Danas, D. Mukherjee and K. Haldar),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 123, 2019, pp. 61-79
82/ |
“Stability of Vicinal Surfaces:
Beyond the Quasistatic Approximation”
(with L. Guin, M.Jabbour, L. Shaabani-Ardali and L.
Physical Review Letters, 124, 2020, pp. 036101-1
83/ |
“Effect of Strains on the Dark
Current-Voltage Characteristic of Silicon Heterojunction Solar
(with L. Guin, P. Roca i Cabarrocas and M. Jabbour),
Solar Energy, 196, 2020, pp. 457-461
84/ |
“Hidden Asymptotic Symmetry in Long
Elastic Beams of Softening Foundations”
(with S. Pandurangi and T.J. Healey),
SIAM J. Appl. Math, 80, 2020, pp. 1083-1100
85/ |
“Deformation Patterns and Their
Stability in Finitely Strained Circular Cell Honeycomb”
(with C. Combescure and R. Elliott),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 142, 2020, pp. 103976
86/ |
“Finding Stable Localized Deformation
Solutions Using Group theory – A Nonlinear Beam Model”
(with S. Pandurangi, T.J. Healey and R. S. Elliott),
J. Elasticity, 142, 2021, pp. 103976
87/ |
Coupled Electromagnetic-Thermomechanical Approach for the
Modeling of Electric Motors”
(with N. Hanappier and E. Charkaluk),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 149, 2021, pp. 104315
88/ |
“Revisiting Step Instabilities on Crystal Surfaces. Part-I: The Quasistatic Approximation”
(with L. Guin and M. E. Jabbour),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 156, 2021, pp. 104574
89/ |
“Revisiting Step Instabilities on Crystal Surfaces. Part-II: General Theory”
(with L. Guin and M. E. Jabbour),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 156, 2021, pp. 104582
90/ |
“Scaling Laws for Step Bunching on Vicinal surfaces: The Role of the Dynamical and Chemical effects”
(with L. Benoit-Marechal and M. E. Jabbour),
Phys. Rev. E, 104, 2021, pp. 034802-1– 034802-13
91/ |
“Nucleation of Creases in Hyperelastic Solids is Not a Local Bifurcation”
(with S. Pandurangi, A. Akerson, T.J. Healey and R. Elliott),
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 160, 2022, pp. 104749-1–104749-25
92/ |
“Multiphysics Simulation of Electric Motors with an Application to Stators”
(with N. Hanappier and E. Charkaluk),
Intl. Journal Solids & Structures, 253, 2022, pp. 111406-1–111406-14
93/ |
“The Role of Relative Fluid Velocity for an Objective Continuum Theory of Finite Strain Poroelasticity”
(with L. Gil, and M. Jabbour),
J. Elasticity, 150, 2022, pp. 151–196
94/ |
“Stability and Localization of Deformation Delay in Finitely Strained Plates at Arbitrary Strain-Rates”
(with G. Wen, R. Elliott and K. Ravi-Chandran)
J. Elasticity, 155, 2022, pp. 393–423
95/ |
“Mechanical behavior of solenoids subjected to electric currents”
(with R. Elliott)
J. Elasticity, 154, 2023, pp. 407–419
96/ |
“Forces in Interacting Ferromagnetic Conductors Subjected to Electrical Currents and Magnetic Fields”
with G. Magda and E. Charkaluk)
Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 480, 2024, pp. 20230691
97/ |
“The importance of a full chemo-poro-mechanical coupling for the modeling of subcutaneous injections”
(with L. Gil, and M. Jabbour)
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 192, 2024, pp. 105833